Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)

Here you may find all collection that library have e.g. books, journal, thesis, conference proceeding.

Electronic Resource

The library provides access to electronic resources and databases subscribed to by the university library such as e-books, e-journals, databases and other electronic resources. To access electronic resources, more details below.


The UIII Repository is a storage place that is a forum for various research works produced by the academic community of the Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII). Through this repository, these works can be accessed and enjoyed by the wider community. Click the button below to explore further.

UIII Journal

UIII Press publishes several journals managed by the faculty. To access and read our articles, please visit the UIII Journal!

Electronic Resource
UIII Journal
Image Description

UIII Libraries

UIII library is designed to partner with faculty, students, and staff to provide a vital physical and digital center for research, teaching, learning, and other forms of intellectual engagement at UIII. Our values in establishing the UIII Library are, among others, passion, energy, professionalism, and productivity for the academic community.

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Explore the latest academic publications and scholarly works in our 'Our Newest Books' section. Find new research, innovative theories, and contemporary literature across diverse disciplines, ideal for students and faculty alike. Enhance your academic pursuits with these recent additions.


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